The computer network is the "interconnection" between two or more autonomous computers, using a communication protocol that is connected to the transmissionmedia cable or wireless (wireless) for data communications.
Autonomous is when a computer does not exercise control over other computerswith full access, thus making the other computers undergo a restart, shutdown,lost or damaged files.
In the definition of the other networks, is described as an autonomousindependent network with its own management system (has its own admin), hasits own network topology, has its own hardware and software and connected toother autonomous networks. Internet is an example of a collection of autonomousnetworks are very large.
Two computers can be said to be connected if they mutually exchange data /information, share resources they have as files, printers, storage media (hardiks,floppy diks, cd-rom, flash diks and others). Data in the form of text, audio, andvideo, moving through a wire or wireless media (wireless) so memunigkinkancomputer users in computer networks to exchange files or data, the same print on the printer and use the hardware or software on the network together -the same.
Each computer, printer, or peripherals that are connected in a network is called anode. A computer network consisting of at least two computers or more, canamount to tens, thousands, or even millions of nodes that are connected to oneanother
(Referention: Komunikasi Data, 2008)
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