Google translate via SMS (Short Masseges Service)

Google is one engine seacrh popular at the moment, it can be seen from the number of people using the services of people who use google. With the support with features such as web, images, maps, news, gmail, document, calendar, and the other tanslator, sophisticated and possess a large data base.

Google translate is one feature of which is used sebgai google language translator, more than 60 languages can be translated by google translate it.

Now comes Telkomsel SMS Translator is a invoasi of Telkomsel and Google that allows you to translate Indonesian world into various foreign languages or vice versa. Telkomsel SMS Translator now comes with an option to subscribe to UNLIMITED package. Simply UNLIMITED subscription package available, and you can translate the sentence as much, at no extra charge during the subscription period.

Unlimited package:
You can register Telkomsel SMS Translator Package Unlimited use of the menu by calling * 252 * 9 #. Or register using SMS in the following way:
To subscribe to Telkomsel SMS Translator Package 7 Day Unlimited, ST7 send sms REG to 4664, you will be charged a fee of Rp 1000 (before VAT) per 7 days.Telkomsel Package 7 Day Unlimited SMS Translator will be active after you receive a confirmation SMS.
To subscribe to Telkomsel SMS Translator Package Unlimited 30 Days, send sms REG ST30 to 4664, you will be charged a fee of Rp 3000 (before VAT) per 30 days. Translator Unlimited SMS Package Telkomsel will be active 30 days after you receive a confirmation SMS.

Way of Use:
• SMS any sentence in Indonesian to 4664 it will be translated into English.
• SMS any sentence in a foreign language into the 4664 it will be translated into Indonesian.
• To translate one language to another, simply add the [language code]: [a sentence that was about to be translated] send to 4664. To get the language code information, send INFO2 to 4664.
• Services Vodacom SMS Translator can be enjoyed by all subscribers Telkomsel (kartuHALO, simPATI and Ace).

Currently supported language codes are:

• English, EN:
• The Netherlands, NL:
• France, FR:
• Germany, DE:
• Italy, IT:
• Portugal, PT:
• Spain, ES:

Example of use:
• Send SMS DE: I love you
• Will be accepted: Ich liebe dich
• Type INFO to 4664 for more information.

Regular rates:
The cost for a single SMS Translator is Rp. 200/sms (before VAT 10%).

Rates of subscription packages:
You can register for SMS Translator package using the menu by calling * 252 * 9 # or register using SMS in a way

ST type REG to 4664, you will be charged a fee of Rp 5000 / 7hari (before VAT 10%). After an active package you get 50 free SMS translator quota policies for 7 days, and for excess usage will be charged a fee of Rp 200/sms (before VAT 10%)
Excess Service
The advantage of this service
• Easy to use! SMS any sentence in Indonesian to 4664 and will be directly translated into English. Or SMS any sentence in a foreign language ke4664, it will be directly translated into Indonesian.
• Cheap! Regular rates charged for each one sms at Rp 200 (before VAT 10%) per SMS to be translated.
• It is cheaper again if you subscribe to the package, with USD 5000 / 7hari (before VAT 10%) you get a free 50 sms translator.
• Language support in the service is quite a lot, so it can be easier to translate sentences into foreign languages in the world. (

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