An amateur hacker reveals how easy it is for someone to exploit the modem and router one of the most popular Irish. Canpolat Ross shows that, by using a simple software and a few other basic steps, almost anyone can access the device and cause serious damage.
Although this technique can also work on devices from other brands, but this time Canpolat perform testing on a very popular router products from Eircom, particularly the ZyXEL P-660 type. In the test results, claiming that Ross Canpolat by utilizing some simple techniques, a hacker can change and make the administrator password, enable the local admin login, restart the device, changing the firmware engine and much more.
All the attacker needs access to the router to obtain IP addresses of victims, the task was not difficult for anyone, especially for a skilled hacker. In the case of dynamic IP, an attacker can create a special software such as DynDNS to make sure he can still access the device even when IP addresses change.
IP address of the necessary software to do the whole job. RouterPWN is software that is presented by researchers and security consultants Shmoocon Pedro Joaquin in 2012 as part of a presentation titled "A Mobile Router Exploitation Framework."
This simple application allows people to access the router in a few seconds and perform operations such as reset or unauthorized privilege escalation.
According Conpolat,: "After getting Admin access, will allow you to destroy the device (this requires a hard reset) and get a WiFi Encryption Key. Key that will allow you to reduce the network Firewall. Result will openly show others in the network who to target. By doing some NMAP Scanning and Exploitation Metasploit, you really can get into their computers and steal data. "
Eircom has been notified of this problem, but the hacker said that he also plans to make a test on a device owned by Vodafone and UP.
(Source:, 2012)